Frequently Asked Questions

Project Development

With cars parked more densely, a Volley-powered garage typically sees a reduction in the number of floors dedicated to parking. It uses simple flat slabs rather than ramped parking, and vehicle lifts transport cars between floors.

Volley can help projects of all sizes. For smaller projects with extremely challenging layouts or lot shapes, Volley can help pencil the impossible. Additionally, Volley systems can greatly enhance the value of garages with multiple levels, especially if any of those levels are below grade.

It’s never too early to start talking to us, but the optimal time is before you reach the “65% complete” mark on your project’s design documentation.

Variables affecting retrieval speed include the number of parking bays, lifts, AGVs, and the site layout. A single parking bay can typically process 8–11 vehicles within a 20-minute period. Determining this throughput involves many factors unique to each project. Therefore, we include a robust simulation with accurate traffic study arrival/departure rates as part of each project plan.

For SUVs, the minimum clearance is 8’5″. For ADA vans, the minimum clearance is 10’1″. With Volley’s dynamic layout capabilities, clear heights between floors can be varied if needed. Our team can assist you in planning your garage to optimize it for your specific needs.

In many cases where a few technical prerequisites are met, yes, retrofits are not only possible but also profitable. Please contact us to discuss your project.

While local FAR definitions and limitations vary by jurisdiction, they often have significant impacts on developable square footage. Because a Volley garage can be classified as a fully automated, non-habitable space (similar to a mechanical room), it is typically excluded from FAR calculations, whether above or below grade. This ensures that it does not sacrifice buildable square footage.

For extremely challenging projects with unusual lot shapes or restrictions, Volley can often be the key to making the project feasible. Additionally, for projects with exceptionally high per-stall construction costs, the total cost of implementing the Volley system can sometimes be completely offset by the reduced building costs associated with a densified garage. Moreover, in certain instances, a densified Volley garage can unlock additional square footage that can be allocated to valuable residential or retail use. Since every project is unique, our team can provide guidance on understanding the impacts Volley can have on your specific project.

Certifications and Regulatory

Yes, Volley ensures a premium user experience for ADA patrons, including those with ADA vans and ADA electric vehicles. Because spaces can be assigned dynamically, the number of ADA-compliant spaces can go up or down based on immediate needs.  (Note: ADA bays and ADA van bays are larger than non-ADA bays.)

Thanks to our safety features, EV charging capabilities, ADA compliance, and environmental benefits, Volley has been welcomed in a wide variety of jurisdictions, including many known for rigorous review processes. Our system architecture and standard safety features align with IBC and NFPA requirements and can seamlessly integrate into existing regulations governing automated or mechanical parking. As your partner, we’re committed to assisting you in navigating these conversations.

Yes, Volley Automation can positively impact both LEED certifications and in some cases, Net Zero designations.

Volley is a leading example of a smart parking garage. Volley integrates advanced technologies to enhance the efficiency, convenience, and safety of parking operations. Key features that define a smart parking garage include automation, EV charging systems, energy efficiency and sustainability, and user-friendly interfaces. Volley Automation includes all of these features, using a foundation of autonomous guided vehicles (AGVs) and advanced parking software systems to manage efficiency and throughput. This enables parking and retrieval to happen quickly and without human intervention, maximizing space utilization and reducing the overall size of the garage.

Volley garages are also smart from the user perspective, with a simple intuitive app to manage parking, EV charging, and retrieval. Further, Volley can be integrated with modern payment systems and digital management systems, for seamless and simple operation.

From an environmental standpoint, Volley garages are extremely smart, using less energy because they require less HVAC and lighting, and because vehicles are not idling in the garage – instead, cars are moved using 100% electric AGVs, with zero emissions.

By integrating these features, smart parking garages like Volley offer a more efficient, convenient, and sustainable solution to urban parking challenges.


No, the system does not require an attendant.

The recommended number of AGVs varies based on factors such as peak period traffic patterns, stall count, number of floors and lifts, and floor plan layout. Typically, we suggest 3-5 AGVs per 100 stalls, but various factors can influence this decision. We will provide a preliminary recommendation during the initial scoping phases of your project.

Each AGV can operate for nearly a full day before requiring a charge. When a charge is needed or when system activity is low, the AGVs will automatically navigate to a contactless charger

The Volley system surpasses mechanical stacker systems in efficiency, flexibility, and overall reliability.

By using Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs), our system allows for easy grid modifications, immediate scalability, and multiple points of redundancy. Stacker systems, in comparison, are very challenging to modify, and have many potential single points of failure.

Stacker systems also require high initial investments and complex, costly maintenance, with significant downtime if machinery breaks down.

Choosing a volley robotic parking system provides a future-proof, cost-effective, and user-friendly solution that adapts to evolving needs and ensures continuous operation.

EV Charging

AGVs move EVs to chargers as needed, allowing multiple EVs to be charged by each charging station. This feature often classifies the entire system as EV-capable. While specific needs may vary, typically, one charging station per 10 EVs is sufficient. Additional EV chargers can be added if extra capacity is required.

Yes, we can integrate the automated Volley EV charging system with reseller systems, including ChargePoint.


Volley garages use approximately half the cement and steel typically required for a conventional garage, reducing embodied carbon by nearly 50%. Volley further improves air quality inside the garage by up to 70%, eliminating vehicle emissions by moving cars inside the garage using zero-emission AGVs. As an added bonus, any Volley garage will also require less electrical power for HVAC and lighting power.

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